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关于举办“腾龙奋起 创芯未来——半导体产业高峰论坛”的通知

此次,上海市台协科创工委会将于12月举办“腾龙奋起 创芯未来——半导体产业高峰论坛”,特别邀请半导体重量级人士,从产业整体、产业链、市场面等进行剖析。本次盛会荟萃众多专业听众及国内专业影响力媒体,关心半导体产业未来发展的您,绝对不能错过!  
       For the past decade, there are tremendous advancements in Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Internet, Big Data and Cloud Computing globally. Year 2020 is the critical turning point for global industry. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it changes the way of human life and business operation. Moreover, digital technologies affect human’s life in many aspects in the New Normal era of post-COVID-19. Semiconductor is the core and underlying technology of high performance computing, 5G communication, consumer electronics, autonomous driving, electric vehicles, smart manufacturing and smart medical. As the booming of digital information technology in the next 10 years, it is quite important to promote semiconductor as core industry for China to continuously keep the leading position of global high-tech industry. 
      On the other hand, it is a critical period for China to plan the next five-year plan right now. From the perspective of industrial development, it is urgent to establish a key leading industry and independent innovation semiconductor industry. Moreover, the semiconductor industry covers a wide range of aspects, from upstream materials and equipment, to manufacturing and packaging, to design, verification, and downstream applications. Therefore, through gathering the talents of the semiconductor industry, through dialogue and sharing, we would like to find out the development plans of China's semiconductor industry in the next decade.
       The "Semiconductor Industry Summit Forum" organized  by the science and technology innovation Working Committee of Shanghai Taiwan Association has invited the semiconductor industry heavyweights as guest speakers. They will analyze the industry prospect from the industry, the value chain and market issues. You who care about the future development of China's semiconductor industry must not miss it!
作者:novow  发布时间:2020-11-19 19:39:16

上海市台湾同胞投资企业协会 版权所有 2016-2026
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关于举办“腾龙奋起 创芯未来——半导体产业高峰论坛”的通知

摘要  回顾过去10年全球科技产业互联网、人工智能、工业互联网、大数据、云计算等呈现飞快发展。2020年可说是全球产业发展的关键转折年,新冠肺炎肆虐改变人类生活,疫后常态更确立数字科技将对人类生活各层面产生影响。实现数字转型所需的高效能运算、5G通信、消费电子、自动驾驶、电动车、智能应用如制造与医疗其核心与底层技术就是半导体。面向未来10年腾飞的数字信息科技,掌握半导体产业,对中国持续引领全球高科技产业发
此次,上海市台协科创工委会将于12月举办“腾龙奋起 创芯未来——半导体产业高峰论坛”,特别邀请半导体重量级人士,从产业整体、产业链、市场面等进行剖析。本次盛会荟萃众多专业听众及国内专业影响力媒体,关心半导体产业未来发展的您,绝对不能错过!  
       For the past decade, there are tremendous advancements in Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Internet, Big Data and Cloud Computing globally. Year 2020 is the critical turning point for global industry. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it changes the way of human life and business operation. Moreover, digital technologies affect human’s life in many aspects in the New Normal era of post-COVID-19. Semiconductor is the core and underlying technology of high performance computing, 5G communication, consumer electronics, autonomous driving, electric vehicles, smart manufacturing and smart medical. As the booming of digital information technology in the next 10 years, it is quite important to promote semiconductor as core industry for China to continuously keep the leading position of global high-tech industry. 
      On the other hand, it is a critical period for China to plan the next five-year plan right now. From the perspective of industrial development, it is urgent to establish a key leading industry and independent innovation semiconductor industry. Moreover, the semiconductor industry covers a wide range of aspects, from upstream materials and equipment, to manufacturing and packaging, to design, verification, and downstream applications. Therefore, through gathering the talents of the semiconductor industry, through dialogue and sharing, we would like to find out the development plans of China's semiconductor industry in the next decade.
       The "Semiconductor Industry Summit Forum" organized  by the science and technology innovation Working Committee of Shanghai Taiwan Association has invited the semiconductor industry heavyweights as guest speakers. They will analyze the industry prospect from the industry, the value chain and market issues. You who care about the future development of China's semiconductor industry must not miss it!
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作者:novow  发布时间:2020-11-19 19:39:16